Americans all around us

Obediya Wonderful Jones-Darrell

Wayde Compton

Performance forces:
bar, bass bar — str 4tet



James Douglas: An Opera “Also known as “the father of British Columbia”, James Douglas was the first governor of the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Born in the Caribbean country currently known as Guyana to a Scottish father and a Caribbean mother, he married Amelia Connolly, of mixed Irish & Cree Ancestry. His opponents are searching for a way to tarnish his right to govern. Learn the untold story of British Columbia’s founder.” Set in the mid 1800’s, in this song two African American men are some of the first of BC’s black pioneers from California. They are singing about the African Rifles, a militia of African Canadians. They believe by joining the militia and fighting to keep BC free from Americans will grant them acceptance in the home of British Columbia. If this wish becomes the case is further explored in the Opera.