Christian Quinones


Performance forces:
auto-tuned mez — keyboard, live electronics



This song cycle exists thanks to the incredible collaboration with Andrea Camacho. Back in 2014 when we met there were a lot of things that struck me from her. Her versatility as a musician, her incredible tenor-like vocal range, and our shared interests in music and more importantly writing. For a long time we used to shared poetry, personal writings and short stories. In those writings we got to know each other in a personal way and it always stuck with me how different someone writes when that person is writing for themselves. In our modern reality, that dual identity exist between our online persona and ‘real’ self.For this song cycle I decided to collect with Andrea some of our personal favorite writings and then I mixed it with text that we wrote in social media like captions, comments, etc. The final text had a bizarre surreal feel to it that went from the mundane to the imaginative from line to line, instead of a dual identity as I envisioned it in the beginning it was single joined presence. For this reason I decided to represent that complex ‘poetic I’ as an auto-tuned voice with harmonizer. A sound where you can recognize as a human voice, but so heavily processed that it feels fabricated and empty, a sound both of us love in music.