Songs of Gernika


Cynthia Lee Wong

Irantzu Agirre

Performance forces:
sop — hp, str 4 tet



Mendiz inguratutako herrixka txiki honetan Arbol sendoa daukagu sinbolotzat Azoka eguna da gaur Apirilako goiz honetan Denetarik dago merkatu zabalean Patatak, kipulak, gazta, abereak Alde batetik bestera dabiltza umeak Zakurrak zaunka eta txakolin ona! Andreak Hegazti beltzek zerua ilundu dute babez bila jende guztia Kaleak gorriz margoztuta Sukarra nagusitu egin da espirituan marka lehorrak baina arbola beti bihotzean English translation: In this country rounded by mountains a tree is our symbol Today is market day in this April morning There is everything in this broad market Potatoes, onion, cheese, animals Children run from one side to the other A dog barks and a woman shouts: Darn good drink! Black birds darken the sky People seek hiding places The streets are painted in red The flame is the master Dry marks in the spirit But the tree always remains in our hearts